
Hello! This is me(Yuki) and Mia's blog!

Please enjoy our posts, we tried very hard to get everything on the blog.
Mia-"Yeah, but not much on spell check for Yuki! I always do spell check!"

Yeah, me and Mia alternate days when we blog, and we always interrupt each other too!

So I hope you enjoy the story of Greenel and Graynel.

-Yuki and Mia

Amazing view

Amazing view
Jason's and Hazel's house

Wednesday, November 9, 2011

Till we blog again....

Hi its Mia
As we got to the island, it started to shake.Yuki yelled "QUICK GET OUT OF HERE!!"and we all jumped back into the kayak and paddled away.Then the island started to sink into the sea. Soon it was gone.

Yuki-"I am still shaking from that!"

Apparently the island had tipped over when everyone was calling for a speech from Gordon.

After paddling to  Greenel we talked about it to Hazel and Jason.They desired to hang up a sign to commemorate the people of Graynel on this disaster.
Graynel can no longer be found and there is no more smoke and pollution, only the sign sticking out of a chimney that everyone has forgotten about. 
Always remember to think about your actions;how they affect you and others, because as you can see what happened to Gordon and Graynel..
Yes Yuki, I was just going to say that ,but you cut me off.
Yuki:"Ohh sorry."

Hazel-"And also don't abuse your power either!"

Jason-"Well that was pretty epic!"


Yuki-"But I can't help thinking, is Gordon D. Warden and the others still alive?

Well that's a story for another day..

Oh yeah! Me and Yuki are gonna quit blogging for a while, I mean all of the epic stuff is over now.

Yuki and Jason-"What! No way!"

Hazel-"The adventures are yet to come!"

New citizens of Greenel!
Yeah and when they do come, we will be sure to blog about them!!

So this is good bye!

Jason-"Till we write again!

Hazel-"Be sure to learn a lesson from all of this; you don't want your home to turn out like Graynel did.

Ciel-"Me and my protesting group worked against Gordon. See you can make a better difference with your community than you can by yourself!"

Yuki-"Well uh, what they said and one person can make a difference!

This is a picture Jason took when we were on the boat taking immigrators from Graynel!     ---- >

Yeah to new friends and adventures!

Mia and Yuki-"TILL WE BLOG AGAIN!!"

The Bridge

Hey Yuki here
Today the bridge is going to be built to span the gap between Graynel and Greenel. Hopefully it goes well.
Mia- "you really hoping for that ?"
No I was being sarcastic.

Anyway we are going to be traveling to Graynel soon  to see Gorden D. Warden  talk to the citizens.
Hopefully he doesn't notice us.

Mia-"Use your so called ninja skills"
Yeah :D

Jason- "Look at this, see Mia, this is pretty epic!"

Mia-"What the-! It is a cat!

Hazel-"Actually he is from Fairy Tale, a popu-!"

That's all I have to say so bye i guess!

Hazel-"....... :C"


Hey its me Mia
Now we are on Greenel with everyone.We just got of the boat which was very squishy. 
Yuki -No it wasn't. 
Almost Half The Island Came With Us!
Yuki-:It was a big boat.
No it wasn't.
Yuki- Fine it was squishy.
Thank you.
Anyway everyone that we brought is going to be living in tents in till we can build everyone houses.
Our quiet island has now turned to a big island, but know one really cares, it's fun for kids to roll on fields and play.

Yuki-"These are the tents that they are staying in."

Yuki, those are tent models and they are probably actual size.

What the-! Ciel, when did you get here?

Ciel-"Bye! Hahahahaha! Yuki is so funny!"

The new citizens

Yuki here.... *yawn*

After we arrived in Graynel IN 5 IN THE MORNING!!

Hazel-"I didn't think it was that far..."

The Picture Of The Boat.
Gordon was saying that those who don't like the idea are given 10 days to leave Graynel. A lot of them wanted to go and live on Greenel with us. Jason had no problem with that and said that they were all  welcome to come live with us.
So it was decided, tomorrow a boat would come and take those who wants to go to Greenel to Greenel to live out their lives.

Bye From Yuki

Gordon's anger

Hi everyone! Mia here!

Ciel had phoned Yuki today about what is happening in Graynel.
Apparently Gordon is still going on with his bridge idea.

Jason-"You need to make that sound more epic."


Jason-"Or IF GORDON SETS HIS IDEA FREE, IT WILL BE THE END OF ALL OF US!!! NOOOOO!!"                                        :D      >


......yeah, what she said.

Ciel said that the Graynel had divided into to those who disliked the idea and those who like the idea.
Draft of the Bridge.
 The  factory owners are thrilled too because the longest bridge would take a lot of  materials to make it.

Ciel had said that he and his group of protesters have been protesting outside of Gordon's house at 3 in the morning and writing letters to the newspapers.

All of us are going to Graynel tommorow to go and sort this out.

Jason-"Still not epic enough..."

Yuki-"Yeah, more like burnt toast!"


Yuki- "Look at this funny video about the burnt toast quote, Hazel  and Gordon D.Warden!"

 ..... Well that was very off topic.

Gordon D. Warden's idea

Yuki here!

Since me and Mia were really curios about what Gordon. D. Warden's idea was, we caught a plane to Greenel.

Mia-"Yeah, Yuki got the tickets free, from her boyfriend, Ciel!"


Mia-"I know! I just wanted to make you mad!!!"


Anyways, when we came to Greenel, we saw Gordon stomping off angrily in the direction of his private jet.

<heh heh I took a picture and then photo shopped his face!! MUHUHAAAAA!!

Mia-"Wow, Yuki...."

Me and Mia then went to Jason and Hazel's house (they are not married, they are brother and sister).
Jason explained that Gordon wanted to build a bridge between Graynel and Greenel.

Mia-"Gordon even brought a model of it too!"

He also explained that the bridge would cost Greenel anything and that it would attract a lot of tourists because of how big it would be.

Jason said that he and Hazel knew the answer within 5 seconds, it was no.

One of the bystanders took this picture! Thank you!

When I asked why they said no, Jason showed me from the highest peak in Greenel, that he wanted everything to stay the way it was. He and Hazel knew that if that had happened, then Greenel would eventually turn out like Greenel.

Jason-"Yeah, I also told him that his people could always visit and live here, if their heart desired, but Greenel stays the way it is."

Yeah! Alright Jason!

Me and Mia are gonna go back there tomorrow and tell Ciel and the others what happened!


The Big Debate

Hello everyone! Mia here!

Ciel(our neighbor), was talking with some other people and they got a big group of people protesting that they wanted BLUE skies and GREEN hills too.

< Ciel and his group of protesters

Yuki-"They are actually his servants."

Yuki-"Hey, you are just making fun of me now!"

Geez Yuki, I didn't mean to make you cry!

Anyways, Ciel and his group of protesters marched up to Gordon's house and demanded for clean air and green hills.

Gordon D. Warden then said he had an idea and raced off to Greenel to tell Jason and Hazel about the idea.

Gosh, I wonder what that idea is.

Yuki-"Yeah I wonder too,it's more like BURNT toast."

What the heck is that?

Yuki-"Me and Ciel made it up yestersday."

...... BYE!!!

Back to Graynel

Yuki here!

Mia-"Hey, you are not feeling lazy today?"


When we came back from Greenel, our friends wanted to know how it was.

Mia-"What friends? We don't have any friends!!"

This is our neighbor, Ciel. He didn't want a picture
up of him, so I found a photo of him!
It's called the dude across the street!

Mia-"He is not our friend!"

I "borrowed" his toaster once, so I think we are friends!

Anyways he was saying he hasn't seen green skies and blue hills in a while and he wants Graynel to have some too.

Mia-"It's green hills and BLUE skies, Yuki!"



He explained that his friend who had visited there before, wants Graynel to be the same.

I really don't want Gordon involved in this, he is already creepy as it is.

Mia-"He is Gordon. D. Warden, I thought you knew that! And he is weirdo!"

C U L8R!

Tuesday, November 8, 2011

Back to Greenal

  This is a picture of Greenal from my kayak.
Hi, its me Mia
I'm typing this blog because Yuki's to lazy to do it.
Yuki: I heard that Mia!
By the way the reason we didn't  blog on the kayak is cause I refused to type and accidentally drop it in the water again.
Anyway were on Greenal for a visit, it's so nice to have this fresh air right.
Yuki: Right when are you going to be done because I been doing everything ,you need to help pitch the tent.
But your just lying on the grass next to me.
Jason and Hazel saying see you later to us!
Well after the long kayak trip back here, we've been with Jason and Hazel talking of our discovery's on Graynel.
We have to go back to Graynel in a few days.
Yuki: You mean tomorrow.
Right thanks, Yuki.

This is what Greenal looks like now!

The new leader

Mia here!

After 2 days of lots of  talking, a candidate  finally got elected.
Gordon was elected.

Yuki-"His name was Gordon. D. Warden. and he was candidate F!
Yeah...... He promised for more jobs, vehicles and money. He also said that the island would be really
famous too.

 A few days later his promises came true.
  • There were a lot more factories
  • Everyone had at least 2 jobs
  • Everyone had at least one car
  • Since there were so much money around, they were a lot more banks.
  • Since a lot of land was needed for factories, there was barely any more natural places.
  • Everyone needs to gas masks inside and outside because of all of the pollution.
Yuki-"I am missing Greenel, a whole lot, Mia do you want to go back there?"
Yeah, but we can't stay for too long, Jason and Hazel are counting on us.


This is a picture of  Gordon.
Yuki: he looks really friendly right?

Big changes :C

Yuki here!
After staying on Graynel for over a week, we saw some big changes on the island.
- A lot of the forest was cut down, and there is barely any green left.
-The hotel we are staying at is called Aid

Mia-"Sooner or later we will have to buy a place."
-Everyone seems really frantic around here and things are starting to get really complicated around here.
Some people are saying that the island is getting too complicated and they will hold an election to get a leader.Me and Mia are not old enough to vote. We are-!
Mia-"Hey Yuki, don't tell them our age!
Oh yeah......
B.T.W. The ballot actually looks like this because no one really knows who is a good leader.
It is called an anonymous vote
Mia-"What is that?"
I heard someone say that......
Bye for now!

Monday, November 7, 2011

Laptop in the water

Here is a picture of my laptop in the water.
Yuki-"Hey! I paid a portion of it!"
You only paid a dollar! And you dropped it into the water!
Yuki-"Well I brought the camera......"
Anyways, after we were relived to find out that someone on Graynel could fix the laptop.
Graynel looks a lot like Greenel; it is green and lovely, but not really peaceful as we saw a lot of construction workers around.
Yuki-"I asked people what was going on :D"
Yeah not very ninja like, Yuki!
Anyway, some of the people were saying that they wanted Graynel to look like the rest of the world, with more technology. 
 I contacted Hazel and Jason about Graynel on yuki's cellphone.
Yuki-"That's my Mp3 player"
Angry face, ugh we have to kayak back there!


Thursday, November 3, 2011

Onwards to Graynel

As I type, Mia and I are kayaking to Graynel.

Mia-"What are you talking about! I am kayaking and you are just sitting on your butt typing!!!"

We had left at 5 in the morning and-!



Hey look guys! I got a picture of Mia when she was angry!

"Mia-"Hey! What the-! I don't even look like that! And how did you post this?"
Here is the original: I used paint on my computer to fix it! 
Mia-"Who is that?"
.... BYE!!!!

The agreement

Hi it's me, Mia again!
After scaring the people kayaking out of their pants, 2 of them, Jason and Hazel, wanted to discuss something with all of us. They wanted to make Greenel an official island and become the leaders of it.
Some stuff they were saying was-
- That they wanted to keep the island the way it was.
- That we will learn to grow food and work together.
- The pace of our progress would be at the sun, moon and the 4 seasons.
- Make things we need to survive and live comfortably.

Hazel and Jason
Ultimately we knew they were great leaders, so we agreed.

Yuki-"Yes we have all the read the Percy Jackson series, so we know who Jason and Hazel are."
They are different people! Geez Yuki, they are from the Heroes of Olympus series! Haven't you read the books!

Yuki-"........No comment"
So anyways we will be going to Graynel tommorow!
Yuki-"Mia! Don't forget your sword!First day of spying starts tommorow!"

Wednesday, November 2, 2011

Weird sounds....

Hi everyone!

It's me Yuki again!

Me and Mia's camping trip was going fine, until we heard weird sounds in the night.
Mia said that they were animal sounds, but from watching so many action movies, I knew that there were trespassers on the island
"Mia- Aren't we trespassers too?"
Well we were just on a decent camping trip, Mia!

We quickly packed up camp and followed them.
 To our surprise, it was the kayaking group that had left yesterday!
Mia had suggested that we jump out and scare them and we freaked out everyone.

"Mia- I took a picture..."
Hey Mia, I didn't get their permission to put their picture up!

Anyways one of them was saying that there was another island across the Indian Ocean called Graynel and it is really similar to Greenel.



Camping on the island

                                     This is the tent that me and Yuki camped in yesterday.
(By the way this is Mia writing right now, me and Yuki are alternating days when we blog)

We started to call this little island Greenel because Yuki said it looks really green. (Yeah, Yuki's not really creative.....)  

Yuki- Hey Mia did you say that about me?!!!

Anyways our dinner consisted of fire roasted hotdogs.

Yuki- They were yummy!

Hey Yuki! Give me back the keyboard!
We will see you again soon..


Tuesday, November 1, 2011

First Island Blog

Hey guys!

This is me and Mia's first blog ever!!

The other day when me and Mia (BTW my name is Yuki :D) were kayaking in the ocean in a big group , we discovered something amazing!

                                                        This is me and Mia's kayak.

"Mia- Ummm... It's my kayak."
Oh, Hi Mia!

A new, uncharted island in the middle of the Indian Ocean!
We were surprised to have figured that no one owned it when we didn't see any human beings there.
Mia had suggested that we camp there, but I refused immediately, until she said that she brought her Nerf sword with her and then I agreed. :D

Mia's Nerf sword.

"Mia- That's better!"