
Hello! This is me(Yuki) and Mia's blog!

Please enjoy our posts, we tried very hard to get everything on the blog.
Mia-"Yeah, but not much on spell check for Yuki! I always do spell check!"

Yeah, me and Mia alternate days when we blog, and we always interrupt each other too!

So I hope you enjoy the story of Greenel and Graynel.

-Yuki and Mia

Amazing view

Amazing view
Jason's and Hazel's house

Tuesday, November 8, 2011

Back to Greenal

  This is a picture of Greenal from my kayak.
Hi, its me Mia
I'm typing this blog because Yuki's to lazy to do it.
Yuki: I heard that Mia!
By the way the reason we didn't  blog on the kayak is cause I refused to type and accidentally drop it in the water again.
Anyway were on Greenal for a visit, it's so nice to have this fresh air right.
Yuki: Right when are you going to be done because I been doing everything ,you need to help pitch the tent.
But your just lying on the grass next to me.
Jason and Hazel saying see you later to us!
Well after the long kayak trip back here, we've been with Jason and Hazel talking of our discovery's on Graynel.
We have to go back to Graynel in a few days.
Yuki: You mean tomorrow.
Right thanks, Yuki.

This is what Greenal looks like now!

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