
Hello! This is me(Yuki) and Mia's blog!

Please enjoy our posts, we tried very hard to get everything on the blog.
Mia-"Yeah, but not much on spell check for Yuki! I always do spell check!"

Yeah, me and Mia alternate days when we blog, and we always interrupt each other too!

So I hope you enjoy the story of Greenel and Graynel.

-Yuki and Mia

Amazing view

Amazing view
Jason's and Hazel's house

Wednesday, November 9, 2011

Till we blog again....

Hi its Mia
As we got to the island, it started to shake.Yuki yelled "QUICK GET OUT OF HERE!!"and we all jumped back into the kayak and paddled away.Then the island started to sink into the sea. Soon it was gone.

Yuki-"I am still shaking from that!"

Apparently the island had tipped over when everyone was calling for a speech from Gordon.

After paddling to  Greenel we talked about it to Hazel and Jason.They desired to hang up a sign to commemorate the people of Graynel on this disaster.
Graynel can no longer be found and there is no more smoke and pollution, only the sign sticking out of a chimney that everyone has forgotten about. 
Always remember to think about your actions;how they affect you and others, because as you can see what happened to Gordon and Graynel..
Yes Yuki, I was just going to say that ,but you cut me off.
Yuki:"Ohh sorry."

Hazel-"And also don't abuse your power either!"

Jason-"Well that was pretty epic!"


Yuki-"But I can't help thinking, is Gordon D. Warden and the others still alive?

Well that's a story for another day..

Oh yeah! Me and Yuki are gonna quit blogging for a while, I mean all of the epic stuff is over now.

Yuki and Jason-"What! No way!"

Hazel-"The adventures are yet to come!"

New citizens of Greenel!
Yeah and when they do come, we will be sure to blog about them!!

So this is good bye!

Jason-"Till we write again!

Hazel-"Be sure to learn a lesson from all of this; you don't want your home to turn out like Graynel did.

Ciel-"Me and my protesting group worked against Gordon. See you can make a better difference with your community than you can by yourself!"

Yuki-"Well uh, what they said and one person can make a difference!

This is a picture Jason took when we were on the boat taking immigrators from Graynel!     ---- >

Yeah to new friends and adventures!

Mia and Yuki-"TILL WE BLOG AGAIN!!"

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