
Hello! This is me(Yuki) and Mia's blog!

Please enjoy our posts, we tried very hard to get everything on the blog.
Mia-"Yeah, but not much on spell check for Yuki! I always do spell check!"

Yeah, me and Mia alternate days when we blog, and we always interrupt each other too!

So I hope you enjoy the story of Greenel and Graynel.

-Yuki and Mia

Amazing view

Amazing view
Jason's and Hazel's house

Wednesday, November 9, 2011

Back to Graynel

Yuki here!

Mia-"Hey, you are not feeling lazy today?"


When we came back from Greenel, our friends wanted to know how it was.

Mia-"What friends? We don't have any friends!!"

This is our neighbor, Ciel. He didn't want a picture
up of him, so I found a photo of him!
It's called the dude across the street!

Mia-"He is not our friend!"

I "borrowed" his toaster once, so I think we are friends!

Anyways he was saying he hasn't seen green skies and blue hills in a while and he wants Graynel to have some too.

Mia-"It's green hills and BLUE skies, Yuki!"



He explained that his friend who had visited there before, wants Graynel to be the same.

I really don't want Gordon involved in this, he is already creepy as it is.

Mia-"He is Gordon. D. Warden, I thought you knew that! And he is weirdo!"

C U L8R!

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