
Hello! This is me(Yuki) and Mia's blog!

Please enjoy our posts, we tried very hard to get everything on the blog.
Mia-"Yeah, but not much on spell check for Yuki! I always do spell check!"

Yeah, me and Mia alternate days when we blog, and we always interrupt each other too!

So I hope you enjoy the story of Greenel and Graynel.

-Yuki and Mia

Amazing view

Amazing view
Jason's and Hazel's house

Tuesday, November 1, 2011

First Island Blog

Hey guys!

This is me and Mia's first blog ever!!

The other day when me and Mia (BTW my name is Yuki :D) were kayaking in the ocean in a big group , we discovered something amazing!

                                                        This is me and Mia's kayak.

"Mia- Ummm... It's my kayak."
Oh, Hi Mia!

A new, uncharted island in the middle of the Indian Ocean!
We were surprised to have figured that no one owned it when we didn't see any human beings there.
Mia had suggested that we camp there, but I refused immediately, until she said that she brought her Nerf sword with her and then I agreed. :D

Mia's Nerf sword.

"Mia- That's better!"

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